Weston Middle School

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Lego NxT Roboticst-Variables Part 2ditRegion3

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Part 1:

Challenge: Write a program which increases the power to the motors by 10% each time the button is pushed.

Create new number variable- POWER



  • wait for bump
  • read value of Power, Add 10, update( write new) value of Power
  • set Power of motors, beep
  • Display Power #

End of Loop

Part II- Challenge: Write a program which increments Power in steps of 10; if Power> 100, resets to 0 ( and starts over)

  • Loop
    • wait for bump
    • read value of Power, Add 10, update( write new) value of Power
    • Compare Value ( Compare Block)-is Power>100?
    • Switch( Value, Logic)-if Compare value True, reset Power to 0; if not , leave alone
    • set Power of motors, beep
    • Display Power #
  • End of Loop




Revised January 2011 by Jonathan Dietz, dietzj@mail.weston.org